Review Buku: The 5AM Club by Robin Sharma.

Macam biasa, aku baca buku ni sebab someone on Youtube recommended it. I bought the ebook version. Mula-mula aku agak pelik, bukan ni buku self help motivation gitu ke? Kenapa fiction?

Rupanya, it gives motivational tips through fiction novel. Aku hold agak lama, entah sebab dia fiction atau sebab dia ebook. Tapi makin lama baca makin seronok, (not the plot/fiction part) but all the tips yang senang faham and buat.

Basically buku ni cakap pasal kalau nak get motivated throughout  a day, OWN YOUR MORNING, MAKE IT A HABIT. Bangun seawal 5 pagi. Sebab tu la nama dia The 5AM Club. Plus, dia ajar cara how to fully focus on our task/job, buat rules 20/20/20, 60/10.. 

Walaupun plot dia bagiku biasa-biasa je, tapi semua tips dalam buku ni mudah apply. Betapa sebuah perubahan dalam diri kita sebenarnya memerlukan lebih kurang 66 hari untuk menjadi sebuah habit. 

Kita akan melalui first, destruction level selama 22 hari. 22 hari yang paling susah untuk break the old habit, kemudian hari ke 23 masuk level installation, creating the new habit, (another 22 days) kemudian barulah masuk integration dengan minda sedar yang kita dah acquire the new habit skills. Susah kan?

Well, bak kata buku ni, all change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. 🔥

If you want to seek the new you, get motivated for your life, and joining the 5AM club, I recommend this book. Bacalah and you will know the 20/20/20 method, 60/10 method, etc. 

Own your morning, elevate your life. ❤️


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