Life recently..

Hai, blog.

Dah lama tak menulis di sini. Hidup sekarang sama saja. Itu-itu saja. Tapi lebih seronok sebab jumpa komuniti baru, circle baru with lots of positivity and happiness yang ditawarkan Tuhan. I have a misson for this 2025. The one and only mission. After that we'll see what's next.

Aku banyak baca buku sekarang. Life pun dah jarang di Twitter, tapi banyak di Threads. Itupun tak banyak taip macam-macam kecuali baca dan review buku and everything book related. Aku rasa lebih bernyawa dengan membaca.

Tiba-tiba lepas makin banyak baca buku ni, teringat kawan-kawan yang ulat buku dulu macam MC, AF.. MC buat aku kenal Goenawan Mohamad dan Avianti Armand. AF buat aku beli Kafka On The Shore. (Sorry for not showing my interest to read the book back then, plus you lend me in a shortest period of time, and I heard the book wasn't yours?) but whatever.

Aku selesa mengembara dalam dunia buku-buku. Kadang datang juga panik dan FOMO bila banyak buku tak baca lagi. But then, we'll try our best in this life, don't we? My target  maybe sebelum raya to get 1k followers on my bookstagram. Semoga!

Then, we'll go from there. Manifesting only the best things in 2025! If you read this post, do follow my bookstagram account: @parareads.

See you when I see you, blog.


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